Bagi Anda yang masih awam tentang dunia forex, tentunya bertanya tanya, bagaimana sih cara bermain trading forex itu? Jawabannya mudah sekali. 

Peralatan Untuk Bermain Forex

Sebelum masuk dalam tradingnya, kita jelaskan dulu mengenai infrastruktur penunjang. Untuk bisa trading forex online yang diperlukan hanya komputer PC, dan koneksi Internet. Selain itu, diperlukan pula software platform trading forex yang bisa didownload dan digunakan secara gratis. Dimana bisa mendapatkan software untuk bermain forex itu? Tentu saja dari broker yang akan menghubungkan Anda sebagai trader ke pasar forex.

Sangat mudah sekali bukan? Untuk melihat ilustrasi bagaimana cara trading forex online bisa langsung di komputer Anda dengan akun demo yang juga disediakan oleh broker. Anda bisa membaca petunjuk cara mendapatkan akun demo disini

Bermain forex bisa dilakukan kapanpun, karena waktu dan jam trading forex berlangsung 24 jam sejak Senin hingga Jumat. Untuk lebih detailnya, simak di artikel tentang waktu dan jam trading forex berikut

Dasar Dan Cara Trading Forex

Pada dasarnya bermain forex dilakukan dengan melihat kondisi pasar, lalu memprediksi apakah nilai suatu pair mata uang nantinya akan naik atau turun. Prediksi itu kemudian dieksekusi dengan membuka posisi trading (open position).

Dalam forex hanya ada 2 jenis open posisi. Yaitu 
1. BELI/BUY/LONG: Posisi trading forex dibuka jika nilai pair diprediksi akan NAIK
2. JUAL/SELL/SHORT: Posisi trading forex dibuka jika nilai pair diprediksi akan TURUN

Agar lebih jelasnya lihat ilustrasi dua orang bermain forex di bawah ini:

Handoko masuk di posisi BUY(BELI) EUR/USD di 1.3000.
Setelah waktu tertentu, Handoko CLOSE di 1.3064.
Dengan begitu, Handoko mendapatkan keuntungan 64 pip.
Jika Handoko CLOSE di 1.250 maka Handoko mengalami kerugian 50 pip. 

Erik masuk di posisi SELL(JUAL) GBP/USD di 1.500.
Setelah beberapa lama, Erik CLOSE di 1.400 untuk mendapat profit 100 pip.
Jika Erik CLOSE di 1.650 maka Erik rugi 150 pip. 

Close artinya adalah menutup posisi trading yang sedang berjalan atau open.
Pip adalah satuan terkecil dalam forex. Memahami nilai pips sangat penting bagi siapa saja yang sedang belajar cara trading forex. Untuk ulasan lengkapnya, simak disini.


  • Persyaratan/infrastruktur dalam trading forex online adalah sangat mudah dan murah.
  • Dasar dari trading forex adalah sangat sederhana: Beli jika memprediksi akan naik, dan jual jika memprediksi akan turun. Jika prediksi benar maka akan memperoleh keuntungan, jika tidak maka sebaliknya.
  • Infrastruktur, cara, dan aturan untuk bisa bermain forex adalah mudah. Bagian sulit adalah bagaimana cara trading yang benar agar bisa menjadi pemenang/profit.
Are you looking for the list of Virtual Credit Card (VCC) Providers ? I've listed here 10 popular VCC providers that can help you to transact your money securely. You can find many VCC providers on the internet but all of those are not trusted, but these VCC providers are very popular and used by thousands of internet users everyday.

VCC (Virtual Credit Card) is also called as Prepaid credit card. Virtual credit card helps you to load fund to your VCC account for secure online transaction. It could be very helpful for those, who don't have credit cards. Most of online transactions require credit card and if you don't have a credit card, you cannot purchase something from online shopping sites or eCommerce websites .

Virtual Credit Card Providers

If you are an Indian, you will need a credit card to buy hosting space, pay advertising fees etc. For example- if you have to advertise your product on Facebook through FB ads, you need a credit card but if you don't have , you can create a Virtual Credit Card. VCC is one of the safest ways to pay money online. In this article I have written about some popular Virtual Credit Card Providers, you can try any of these for secure online transactions.

Entropay ( - Entropay is one of the best VCC providers that can help you to create your Virtual Credit Card free of cost. You can create your card by verifying your address and card information. Entropay charge small fee in each transaction. You can load fund from your bank account to your Entropay VCC.
Netletter VCC ( - Netletter is one of the best alternative to PayPal that also offers prepaid Mastercard that can be used as VCC for secure online transactions. Netletter takes small fees on transactions. You can create Netletter prepaid card free of cost by joining the site.
Netspend ( - Netspend is one of the best prepaid card providers for US residents. Netspend provides processing and marketing services for prepaid mastercard and Visa debit cards.
Payoneer ( - Payoneer is one of the most popular payment processors for Global Payment. Payoneer offers prepaid mastercards that can be used as Virtual credit card to pay money to thousands of websites. Payoneer charge small fee to users. Payoneer allows users to create set up free accounts to receive and send money to global sites.
American Express ( - One of the most popular banking services that can also help you to create your prepaid and virtual credit cards easily. You can use American Express cards to pay money to hosting websites, online shopping companies and other international websites.
Bankfreedom ( - Although this site is not very popular but very useful in online transactions. Bankfreedom offers many useful features that can help you to handle your business easily. Great for individuals and small business owners.
AccountNow ( - AccountNow is one of the best alternatives to a checking account. AccountNow offers Prepaid credit cards and prepaid visa debit card. You can also use AccountNow cards in many useful purposes such as online shopping, money transfer etc.
ICICI VCC ( - If you already have an account in ICICI bank, you can create your virtual credit card from your ICICI bank easily for online transactions. You can find more information about ICICI VCC on FAQ page of ICICI VCC
Kotak Netc@rd ( - Kotak Netc@rd is one of the best options for Indians to open prepaid credit cards for online transactions. You have to create an account in Kotak Mahindra Bank before you use Netc@rd.
HDFC VCC ( - HDFC bank also offers virtual credit cards to HDFC users. HDFC offers netsafe cards for all HDFC bank Visa and Mastercard Debit and Creditcard holders free of cost. One of the safest ways to transfer your money online.
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